Saturday, September 24, 2005


What is this sickness of the Internet that draws us in like moths to light? I actually had to resist posting another entry in this stupid blog yesterday because I wasn't willing to admit that I'm that addicted to the Internet. Yet here I am blogging on a Saturday while my wife and kids play together.

Somewhere inside is a deep, clawing need to be distracted. No matter what I'm doing, I feel the need to be distracted. I think it's another of those signs that it's time for me to get on my knees and pray. God in my life is a powerful focus mechanism. Plenty of prayer, Scripture study, and the constant mental conversations with God that mark the pious, holy people all bring a sense of purpose, direction, and especially focus. So, when I spend all day at work looking for ways to be distracted from my work or when I spend a day at home doing something meaningless then it's a sure sign that I have drifted. Again.

Don't see it? Look around.

The world around you is obsessed with distraction. The Korean youth has turned it into a lifelong passion with online gaming houses and murders for virtual weapons. We men latch onto the internet porn as a way to distract ourselves from our marriages and our families. Wives are work. Internet porn is a distraction that provides instant gratification. Our wives, meanwhile, latch onto more "acceptable" things - romance novels, keeping the children mindlessly busy by enrolling them in a thousand activities a month. The women run themselves into the ground with a million niggling details while the men hide in the office with their virtual smut and punch the clown.

What are you doing here?

Get on your knees and get your life back.

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