Thursday, November 06, 2008

Basketball - Season 5

Once a year is pretty pathetic. But, as I mentioned last time, it's not like anyone reads this drivel, so why should I care?

Today starts yet another season of coaching basketball. Except this year I finally hold the reins. I am finally serving as the head coach for 7-8 basketball. Lord Almighty, what have I gotten myself into?

2008 has, I suppose, been a busy year. The days always seem so full when there is a baby in the house though. Last year at this time, Caleb couldn't even sit up by himself. Now he zooms around the house and has a limited vocabulary. If we all live through the experience, he'll be as different from Josh and Sarah as they are from each other. So much for nurture being more meaningful than nature.

I don't know that I have any deep or meaningful things I've learned about myself or the world this year. Our presidential election was the other day and I'm contemplating life in a socialist nation. One nation, under Obama, with socialism and a guaranteed loaf of bread for all. Or something like that.

Generally, I have a conservative, Republican turn of mind. I didn't vote straight party ticket though. Not that I ended up voting for any Democrats. I just didn't want to add to the vote for any sleazy Republicans that I didn't know anything about. And I really didn't want to lend any strength to this Republican-backed socialist concept of a Right To Work Law. The government needs to protect the public from dangerous products, not interfere with private business to enforce a job-based welfare program. Go do something meaningful like shutting down a back alley clinic that's slaughtering our kids and leave private business alone.

Well, work calls. I find myself absorbing absurd amounts of stress again as I buck for yet another promotion. Again, I don't know if I really want it or not. But I'll keep working like I do because more money would really be nice. We desperately need a bigger house.

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