... are death.
I don't know what, exactly, got me thinking about abortion while I was in the shower this morning. But I was thinking about it and it got me all riled up again.
I kept thinking about that quote from Mother Theresa. At some point she met with President Clinton and he made some comment about the poverty in Calcutta. Her response was "Poverty? It is a poverty that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."
Over 49 million of them since January 22, 1973. 49 million. We, as Americans believe ourselves to be the pinnacle of culture.
49 million murdered babies.
We rally and froth at the mouth because of human right violations in China and North Korea and Sudan.
We've callously performed and defended 49 million executions on complete innocents.
We give our convicted criminals air conditioning, education, food, cable TV, Ph.Ds, health and dental care, even sex change operations.
And we've killed 49 million people who never even got to take a breath.
What in the world can be going on in this country that compares to this mass slaughter of children? There is no terrorist in the world that can wreak the kind of devastation on our country that we have chosen to wreak on ourselves. And all in the name of freedom. Freedom! Freedom from responsibility. Freedom from consequences. Freedom from recognizing that each life has inherent worth regardless of the financial, economic, political, or personal circumstances.
How many children? Forty-nine MILLION. Let's put faces on those, shall we? Let's put those 49 million people into our country. Now walk through downtown at lunch. And count.
Get it? Every 7th person dies. We spend millions and millions each year finding cures for cancers that will kill hundreds each year. As we should. We spend more millions in lawsuits from people who chose to smoke themselves to death. We spend millions creating people so we can kill them and try to harvest their cells for a technology that will theoretically help thousands but doesn't show the slightest chance of being clinically feasible.
Help thousands. We kill millions to help thousands? Help me understand that. Michael J. Fox, help me understand that. Patty Reagan, help me understand that. Hollywood, help me understand that. C'mon Michael Moore. Where are your documentaries now? How much more of a story is there than the deaths of one in seven people because we feel like it?
1 in 7. Dead not from some illness. Dead not because of the war in Iraq or Vietnam. Dead not because some whacked-out militant terrorist group came and ripped those lives away.
Dead because we wanted them dead. Dead because we decided our plans were more important than their lives. Dead because we felt like it.
You wanna bash George W for the war in Iraq? Go right ahead. I don't much care for it either. You wanna bad-mouth him for sending American jobs out of the country. Ok by me because I'm rather upset about that myself. But he's the first president I've seen man enough to stand up and protect the children. Where were your other presidents when those babies were having their skulls punctured? Where were your other presidents when the little fingers flexed for the last time and the hearts stopped beating? They were in Washington chanting "You go girl! Take the life from that baby! It's your right!" No, I don't agree with a lot of what Dubya's doing. But the single greatest human rights violation in the history of our world has happened and continues to happen right here in the U.S. entirely with our blessing.
Hey, I'm all for women's rights. I just wonder what rights are there for the 25 million women we've killed so far.
*hugs Dave*
Wow, Dave. You completely expressed how I feel about the subject of abortion. I pray all the time for an end to this heinous procedure, and also for the hypocrites who think abortion is acceptable behavior. I don't see the logic in NOT charging someone for taking an innocent person's life. If we can put people in jail for killing other people, how can we just think it's ok for a pregnant woman to kill her unborn baby? People say that abortion isn't murder, but how can they say that? Murder is defined as taking away a life. Whether you shoot someone to death, or you abort the little person in your womb, you're taking a life away.
The people who abort their babies really sicken me. I'm not talking about those who were raped and got pregnant as a result of that. I'm talking about those people who use abortion as a form of contraceptive. As a way to fix a "mistake" they made. In essence, by allowing abortions to take place, we're saying that if you mess up, you don't have to take responsibility for the life you created. You can just end that life without any regard. Isn't that the wrong message to be sending to our youth?
I can understand not being ready to raise a child. But why do you have to punish that child for a mistake you made? There are alternatives to abortion, most specifically adoption. My own mother was adopted, so this hits home with me. Imagine if her mother had aborted her. I wouldn't be here! And for those who say they are in favor of abortion, what if your mother's had aborted you? Like Ronald Reagan once said "Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born". Why not save a life by placing your "unwanted" child up for adoption? Not only are you doing the moral thing, but you're also giving your child a chance at a life filled with love and joy.
Speaking of adoption, has anyone heard the new Mark Schultz song "Everything to Me"? I think it's song that shows why adoption is really the best option for an unwanted pregnancy. The first chorus:
"You gave life to me
A brand new world to see
Like playing baseball in the yard with dad at night
Mom reading Goodnight Moon
And praying in my room
So if you worry if your choice was right
When you gave me up, you gave everything to me"
As you can tell, I'm very passionate about this subject. I don't care what all the liberals think--no one has the right to abort a child.
my blog on here
*shock* People READ this stuff???
That was very, very thought provoking, Dave.
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