Well, it's long past due, but I consider summer to finally be here. I got a birthday next week and that always convinces me that the snow here in northern Indiana is really gone. At least until October.
I had a professional certification exam this morning to get a national certification for auditors. Quality auditors, not financial. How frustrating. All of the practice questions are so clear and obvious, but the questions on the actual exam are oh so different. It's all multiple choice and all questions have 4 options (A, B, C, D). But on so many of these things, 2 or 3 of the answers are correct. But only one is right. It's like seeing this:
4 + 1 =
A) 3 + 2
B) 5
C) 6 - 1
D) Florida
What's the answer? Why C, of course. Why? Beats me. It all seems to depend on what hallucinogenic drug the question maker was on when he came up with it. So, I don't know if I passed or not. I'll find out in 2 weeks.
In the meantime, my golf addiction is really taking over big-time. I'd play 36 holes every day if I could find a way. *sigh* But my project at work is high pressure and the next 4 weeks are the culmination of it all. At the same time I'm actively interviewing elsewhere since I just don't know if I can go back to my old job in September - even though that's exactly what I just took that exam for.
Fooey. I obviously need to just be a MUCH better golfer.
Listen to the Dakona song I added today.
20 days to Warsaw.
1 comment:
I would think that B would be the best answer. ;)
Anyhow, I have the solution for your golf addiction: http://www.artifactinteractive.com.au/flashgolf/
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